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Descargas : RTW: LOTR TW v1.0c

Enviado por aWaKeNiNG el 16/11/2005 3:20:00 (2353 Lecturas)


Hace poco se hizo pública la primera versión de este MoD basada en la película El Señor de los Anillos. Ahora acaban de sacar un nuevo parche que corrige algunos bugs menores.

Lo podéis descargar de aquí. Si pulsáis en leer más podéis ver la lista de cambios y lo que piensan mejorar en siguientes versiones (en inglés).

Known Issues:

- Trolls can climb ladders and siege tower and walls. I don't know how to prevent this.
- Gatehouses still use arrows and boiling oil. No known way to remove this as of yet.
- Oliphaunt's death animation has a one frame glitch, I have yet to iron out this bug and doubtful I could from numerous testings.
- Oliphaunts cannot have officer models so I cannot put the appropriate rider model (the dude with the scary face).
- The description text are not finalized yet, if you have ideas on improving them, please post them at the forum.
- Wargs have some horse sound effects. This is triggered by their skeleton which is a horse's, with custom made new animations. Hopefully a loop-around can be found for this issue.
- Nazgul is not nine in number. There is no known way to keep a number of a unit in all settings. Thus this unit is considered a BONUS UNIT and will not be available in Custom Battles in later releases. They will only be featured in Historical Battles, where their size can be restricted.

Incomplete Items:

- This first release does not include a campaign map.
- No Historical Battle or custom maps yet.
- The UI is not modded except for unit cards, unit info cards, captain banners and battlefield advisor pictures. So the faction icons during battle result is still vanilla.
- Catapults and ballistas do not have unit info cards yet. This will be added later.
- The AI is basically basic vanilla AI. I have yet to mod formations and formation AI.
- Siege towers are still the original RTW's. These will be changed later.
- Catapults for Gondor, Easterlings and Elves are not modified yet as they are still using RTW's original models. This will be changed later.
- Heroes are not in yet, although the models for Eomer, Boromir and Elrond are used in-game as captains.
- No unit response sound yet. This will be done later.
- Buildings are yet to be modded.
- No Historical Battle as of yet.
- No individual unit sounds as of yet. This will be added later.
- Custom sprites are not in yet. Right now all units are using RTW's original sprites.
- Rohan Foot Archers are still missing INFO card. This will be fixed later.

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Envió Hilo
Enviado: 13/12/2007 1:52  Actualizado: 13/12/2007 1:52
Conectado: 22/9/2007
Envios: 11
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aWaKeNiNG Colaboradores: Jonnhny,